Friday, May 23, 2008


So whats the deal with the title?

well once I get rolling with the blog we will get to talk about oil. Oil and lots of other stuff.
But the title is a reference to a movie about oil, and the movie is making reference to a scandal that occured in Warren Hardings Administration.

The movie:
There will be Blood, staring Daniel Day Lewis as an early Oil prospector who strikes it rich in Southern California

The scandal:
The teapot dome scandal.

The connection is Edward L Dehoney the man who Daniel Day Lewis's Character (Vern Roscoe) is very loosley based on in the movie.

And the phrase "I drink your milkshake" is paraphrased from New Mexico Senator Albert Fall from the Teapot dome Scandal.

I have made a decision to not violate copyrights in my blog, so I'm not going to post a link to the scene in the movie on youtube. But now you know its on youtube so the rest is up to you.

Anyway glad we have that sorted out. Now you know. And if you have not seen the movie I recommend it. Its gritty, contains some bad language, and it won't tell you much about oil - its more of an interesting character story.

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